The Life Of A Spider – From Egg To Adult

On average, common house spiders live for around one year. However, it all depends on the species. Some species for example can live up to 30 years. During this period, the spider will go from an egg, to a hatchling, and finally to an adult which will reproduce and have offspring of its own. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the lifecycle of a spider.

The life stages of the spider

Spiders start out as an egg in an egg sac that contains thousands of other eggs. Within a few weeks, the spiderlings hatch, if the conditions are right, or they may remain dormant for a few months during the winter, and then emerge. Spiders do not have larval or other intermediate stages. The spiderlings look like a mini adult spider, and they grow from there. They are also not dependent on their mother at this stage of their life. Once hatched, they set out on their own looking to start their own home.

The lifespan of the spider

Different spider species will live for different periods of time, but for the most part, the average lifespan of the spider is about a year, with females usually living longer than males. They are solitary arachnids, and most are not territorial or aggressive against animals. Even some spiders that have venom strong enough to harm a person will not attack aggressively. They will only bite in self-defense.

Spiders are also very hardy creatures. They can go for very long periods of time without food, and when it comes to water, they will drink dew drops, condensation, or from any body of water that they can find. For the most part, a spider, even a baby spider, can go for one or two months without eating. Also, most spider species are carnivores, feeding on insects and small animals.

What to do if you have a spider infestation

Because spiders are capable of reproducing very fast and in large numbers, it’s important to get a spider infestation under control as soon as possible. For this, you will need the help of a pest control pro, since you have to not only destroy the webs and the spiders themselves, you also have to destroy their nests. If you would like to find out more, or to set up a spider control appointment, contact us today.