Rodents – both mice and rats – will commonly use the colder months to invade homes and businesses. The weather can also cause problems with individuals homes and business that pests will take advantage of later in the spring, such as leaking gutters caused by snow and ice, or broken screens damaged by winter storms.
As the days become longer – in addition to the relatively unpredictable weather common to this region – several pest species go through periods of activity during this time of fluctuating temperatures.
Depending on the weather, this is the start of our pest season, from termites to carpenter ants and more.

This is one of the more important months of the year for termite control. Several opportunities exist for this that the average homeowner may not be aware of, such as baiting programs, maintenance practices, renovations and what to be aware of when landscaping.
Once again, termites should be on most homeowners’ minds, but this is also the time of year that carpenter ants, several different stinging insects, and some species of cockroaches will start to become more active.
This month’s common pests include mosquitoes,
carpenter ants, stinging insects and termites.
This time of year, the primary pests are what we call occasional invaders, such as pill bugs, millipedes and ants. Yellow jackets (sweat bees or ground hornets) are also becoming more of a problem this month.
This is the month of the cockroach, with several different species of roaches common to our region. All have different needs for shelter and food.
Hornets and stinging insects are at their peak populations during this month. As the nights start to get longer and the days shorter, many pests will start to seek out the shelter they will need to survive the upcoming fall and winter months.

With the first frost, pests such as rodents, ladybugs and certain species of flies will start to enter crawlspaces and attics in hopes of surviving the winter.
Even though winter has usually set in by now, various pests and concerns about them can arise during these months, including those uncovered with remodeling, new construction or other indoor pest issues.
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