Which Spider Species Do Pest Control Professionals Manage Within Homes Most Frequently

Many of the spiders residents find in their homes wander indoors inadvertently, but some spider species are accustomed to living alongside humans within structures. According to a recent nationwide survey of pest control professionals, Parasteatoda tepidariorum, was the most commonly managed spider species within homes during 2016. This species is more commonly known as the “American house spider,” and while it is not considered dangerous to humans, they can become a nuisance when large numbers become established within homes.

The American house spider is well known for building tattered webs that often become a source of annoyance to humans, but these spiders and their webs are most numerous within uninhabited structures, such as garages, barns and sheds. These spiders can probably be found in most homes, particularly in crawl spaces, cellars, basements, attics, and storage areas where they are not often encountered by humans. Since spiders rely on insects as their primary food source, American house spiders often become abundant within homes that are already infested with insect pests. These spiders also tend to become prevalent within cluttered homes, as clutter provides spiders with easily accessible harborages in areas where residents spend most of their time.

American house spiders are known for abandoning webs in order to create new ones, and they prefer to build their relatively large webs within darkened and moist conditions. These spiders can live within homes indefinitely, and residents sometimes spot egg sacs within webs. Egg sacs are brown and ovoid with a tough paper-like consistency, and they are between 6 mm and 9 mm in length. Each egg sac contains 140 to 380 eggs, and females can produce 12 or more egg sacs during their lifetime. Adult female American house spiders are between five and six mm in length, while males are between 4 mm and 5 mm in length, and both males and females possess noticeable yellow legs. Removing clutter from homes and sealing all cracks, crevices and other entry points on the exterior walls of homes will help to prevent spider infestations.

Have you ever struggled to control a spider infestation?