Rodent Species That Try to Get in as It Cools Down in New York State

When the temperatures start to drop, many homeowners in New York State face a common problem—rodent invasions. These opportunistic creatures seek warmth, food, and shelter as the days get colder, making your home a prime target. Knowing which species to watch out for can help you take proactive steps to protect your home.

Why Rodents Seek Shelter Indoors

Rodents are warm-blooded animals, which means they are naturally inclined to seek warm environments as outdoor temperatures fall. Your home offers not only warmth but also easy access to food and water, making it an ideal winter haven for these pests.

Common Rodent Invaders in New York State

1. House Mouse


  • Small, slender body
  • Light brown or gray with a lighter belly
  • Large ears and small eyes


  • House mice are excellent climbers and can squeeze through tiny openings.
  • They are known to reproduce quickly, making infestations harder to control.


  • Can chew through wires, causing fire hazards.
  • Contaminate food and surfaces with their droppings.

2. Norway Rat


  • Large, robust body
  • Brown or gray with a lighter underside
  • Blunt nose and small ears


  • Norway rats are burrowers and often build nests in basements, attics, and crawl spaces.
  • They are less agile than mice but can cause significant structural damage.


  • Known carriers of diseases like leptospirosis and hantavirus.
  • Can gnaw through wood, plastic, and even lead pipes.

3. Roof Rat


  • Slender body
  • Black or dark brown with a lighter belly
  • Pointed nose and large ears


  • Roof rats are excellent climbers and commonly nest in attics or upper levels of homes.
  • They are nocturnal and tend to be more cautious than other rodents.


  • Contaminate stored food and are carriers of various diseases.
  • Can gnaw on wires, leading to electrical fires.

Steps to Prevent Rodent Invasions

1. Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or holes, especially around windows, doors, and utility lines. Use caulk, steel wool, or metal mesh to seal these entry points.

2. Keep Your Home Clean

Rodents are attracted to food sources. Keep your kitchen clean, store food in airtight containers, and dispose of garbage regularly.

3. Eliminate Water Sources

Fix leaky pipes and remove standing water. Even small amounts of water can attract rodents.

4. Maintain Your Yard

Trim trees and shrubs away from your home to reduce access points. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and keep it elevated.

5. Use Traps and Baits

Place traps and rodent baits in areas where you suspect rodent activity. Always follow the instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use.

When to Call the Professionals

If you notice signs of a rodent infestation—such as droppings, gnawed materials, or strange noises—it’s time to call in the experts. First Rate Pest Solutions has been providing innovative and environmentally responsible pest control services to homeowners in Orange, Westchester, and Rockland counties for over 20 years.