Guide To Jumping Spider Bites

Jumping spiders are ubiquitous. There are thousands of different jumping spider species, with 300 of them being native to the US. However, despite their creepiness, this species is not dangerous to humans even if they do manage to bite you. That is unless you have an allergy to their venom, in which case, the bite can cause some health concerns. In this article, we’re going to cover their bite and how to best treat it.

The jumping spider

Most spider bites are harmless, but they can be quite frightening, so the first priority is to stay calm and try to identify the spider that bit you. What is the color and size of the spider, and does it have any stripes or markings? You should try to get as much of this information as possible. The most common jumping spider species is orange and has a white spot on its abdomen, with less common species having white or black stripes on the abdomen. You can also take note of the spider’s behavior if you were able to witness it. Jumping spiders will spring from their hind legs in order to catch prey, and they can be seen hanging from a single strand of silk. The most dangerous spider bites come from black widows and brown recluses, which as their name suggests, are black and brown respectively.

What to do if you are bitten

Once you’ve identified that you’ve been bitten by a jumping spider, you can treat the bite at home if you do not have an allergic reaction. The treatment is very simple. Start by washing the bite with soap and water to prevent an infection. If the bite starts to burn or itch, you can apply a cool compress to the site. This will also prevent any redness, discoloration or swelling from occurring. You can then apply an antibiotic ointment to be extra safe.

Calling the doctor

If you are having any reactions that are more severe, you should call a doctor right away, because you are either having an allergic reaction, or you were bitten by a more dangerous spider. You should also get in touch with a medical professional if you experience symptoms for more than 24 to 48 hours.

If you also have a large spider infestation on your property, you might want to call a pest control specialist to get rid of it. Contact us today to set up an appointment.