Bee Infestations In Your Home: The Risks Involved

Bees are the most aggressive insects, who will not hesitate to sting to protect their home even if it is located in your home.

We all understand the bees are important for the environment and this planet, and a few honey bees buzzing around your garden is a pleasant sight. That said, a bee infestation in your home means trouble, a very serious one. Bees are not like other pests who invade your home. While other pests can cause structural damage and transmit diseases, bees cause problems of a different level that is beyond just damaging your house or eating your food.

With that in mind, let’s understand the top five dangers associated with bee infestation in your home.

Let’s get started!

  1. Colony Size and Hierarchy

The population of bees in a single bee colony ranges from 8000 to 60 000 bees. The bee colony has an advanced matriarchate hierarchy system that consists of three castes – the queen bee, the male drones, and the female worker bees. The queen lays eggs while female worker bees perform all the tasks essential for the hive. Moreover, bees have a complex signaling system to communicate with each other, making them one of the most organized pests, who can colonize any space that they see as a potential home, even if it’s yours.

  1. Bees can be life-threatening

Bees are very aggressive and carry venomous sting with them. Bees attack in swarms, if they sense even the slightest hint of danger. In a blink of an eye, bees can sting the victim tens of times. Moreover, bee sting releases a compound called Apitoxin with has toxin intensity that causes strong pain, swelling, and itching. If any person who is allergic to bee venom is stung, it can trigger severe allergic reactions that can also lead to death.

  1. Beehive Attract Other Pests

Even after the bees are gone, their hives can attract other insects such as wasps, who may decide to live and recolonize it. Moreover, the sugar lovers like ants will scout for food and may end up finding the hive to enjoy the sweet honey, which could result in an ant infestation. Other pests like rats will also get a chance to feed on the hive. Therefore, just killing the bees will not solve the issue but will create more problems, and leaving the hive, you can end up with multiple other pest infestations in your home.

  1. Stinking Hives 

Once bees are gone, and you are lucky enough, no pests will come to feed on it or recolonize it. However, the beehives will soon begin to decay, which leaves a foul smell. This dirty stink can fill your entire house with a bad smell, and you’ll ultimately be left with no other option than to remove the beehive as soon as possible along with other tactics to get rid of the smell, which means extra hassle.

  1. Beehives Can Leak

Bee swarms and infestations happen during springtime and will begin to peak in the warm summer months. The bees normally fan inside the beehive to keep it cool from the outside heat. If bees leave the hive, the beehives will overheat and will melt. This will lead to the leaking of honey and wax everywhere, creating a sticky mess.

How to Get Rid of the Bees?

If you have a beehive in and around your house, your life will become a buzzing hell in no time as your home will soon turn into a giant hive with thousands of bees swarming around the house. That said, do not panic and try to get rid of them all by yourself.

We can’t stress enough that bee removal should only be left to professionals as the risks involved with DIY is deadly. Moreover, you are not as equipped as pest control professionals. It is better to stay safe and call pest control professionals to tackle bee infestations and remove the beehive.